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Startling! These steps can prevent Bjorka from stealing your personal data.
By Malik
21 February 2023

Startling! These steps can prevent Bjorka from stealing your personal data.

Bjorka's name suddenly became famous recently in cyberspace. Not without reason, Bjorka succeeded in hacking the communications and information website which cost almost 1 trillion rupiah. With that amount of money, Bjorka could easily take over the website belonging to the Ministry of Information Technology.

Just that? Certainly not! Important figures in Indonesia also had all their personal data exposed. There are the names Johny G Plate, Puan Maharani, Erick Thohir and the director general of communications and information Semuel Abrijani.

If it wasn't enough, social media activists Denny Siregar and Permadi Arya, known as Abu Janda, were also successfully exposed. Starting from the full name, cellphone number to the names of Abu Janda's parents  have been shared via his telegram channel.

After several important figures in Indonesia had their personal data stolen, then who is next? Yes, it could be that you are the next victim of Bjorka's actions.

These steps can prevent Bjorka from stealing your personal data:

1. Never click on unknown links

If you get a link whose origin is unclear, never click it. Because it could be that the link is infiltrated by Malware which can attack your device and steal your personal data.

2. Change all passwords and emails

Regularly change the password and email you are currently using. Apart from that, delete personal information on your social media accounts to make it difficult for hackers to find out information about your personal data

3. Use specialist cybersecurity services

If you have a sufficient budget, using the services of a cybersecurity specialist to protect yourself from cyber attacks is the most sensible step. Moreover, this team of cybersecurity specialists is definitely ready to face Bjorka directly.

The only drawback of using the services of a cybersecurity specialist is that the price is very expensive, so not everyone can afford it.

4. Use the Secure365 service

This step can prevent Bjorka from stealing your personal data at a very affordable price. By using Secure365, you will be protected 24 hours a day by cyber security experts from various types of cyber attacks. Secure365 also uses auto-containment which means malicious files will be placed in a virtual prison so they cannot harm your device and steal your personal data.

Increase your confidence in dealing with Bjorka attacks with Secure365. Visit securetasks.co.id to register or try it free for 1 month

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