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Today's Digital Cooperatives for Millennials
By Dzaki
26 February 2023

Today's Digital Cooperatives for Millennials

Nowadays it can be said to be an all-digital era and everything is digital. Well, the same goes for cooperatives, which must immediately transform so that they become digital cooperatives and can survive and keep up with all current changes. 

Not only that, in carrying out transformation of course cooperatives do not only do it by applying various new technologies or software, but through this digital change the cooperative must make changes in various things, both management, business models and improving services by even better for all users or members.

Apart from that, it is also hoped that the process or business model with this digital cooperative can uphold cooperative values, namely "mutual cooperation and togetherness". Therefore, cooperatives that exist today and in the future are not only focused on savings and loan cooperatives or multipurpose cooperatives, but it is also hoped that cooperatives can emerge in various forms, up to types that are much better and more innovative, especially in serving their members.< /p>

Today's Digital and Modern Cooperative Strategy

The Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs is currently optimizing various strategies for the transformation of modern cooperatives, with efforts to improve the welfare of the community or its members through the role of cooperatives.

For this reason, this cooperative must be able to become part of the economic circuit, which is an inclusive closed loop model which is organized through partnerships and will later involve several parties such as MSMEs, banks, cooperatives and offtakers who will be connected to the business supply chain . 

So, with a digital cooperative transformation like this in 2021, it is hoped that it will also be able to increase its contribution to GDP annually so that it can reach 5.10 to 5.50% in 2024. Apart from that, the Ministry of SME Cooperatives also encourages the transformation of digital cooperatives to become increasingly modern so that they become even better.

However, apart from all that, of course there will be several cooperative strategies that will be developed in the future, including:

1. Strategy Using Multiparty Cooperative Model

The first strategy is to introduce a multi-party cooperative model, where this first strategy can be an option for the community or its members who later want to join together in a cooperative forum and can aggregate their various interests based on fair and reasonable benefits for everyone. group.

2. Development in the Real Sector

Then for the second strategy, namely the development of cooperatives which will focus directly on cooperatives in the real sector, which will have a high coefficient or leverage, especially in the commodity sector such as fisheries , plantations, agriculture to tourism.

3. Developing Business With a Partnership Scheme

The third point is that in the future modern or digital cooperatives will also be able to develop business with a partnership scheme, which will be mutually beneficial from upstream to downstream and production continuity will also be well maintained as well as cooperative efforts with various sectors or members such as fishermen , farmers, breeders and so on can prosper with an inclusive close loop system or also known as an integrated supply chain.

4. Expanding Access to Financing

The next strategy that will be implemented in digital cooperatives is to further expand access to financing, which includes financing syndication between cooperatives and this is also related to enormous potential so that it can be developed even better.

5. Amalgamation Strategy 

The meaning of this fifth point is a strategy carried out through amalgamation or what is also called a merger, either vertically with fellow cooperatives or horizontally, which is through merging cooperative business units with the aim of strengthening the position of cooperative institutions and businesses again.

6. Digitalization of Cooperative Services and Business

The final strategy that will be implemented in digital cooperatives is the digitalization strategy in services and cooperative businesses, which has become a necessity and must be implemented, especially in facing the digital era.

So, with several strategies that will be implemented, it is also hoped that the role of cooperatives will become even greater, especially in contributing to GDP and can further improve the welfare of society and its members.

What are the benefits of becoming a member of today's modern digital cooperatives?

Of course there will be many people asking about digital cooperatives and what are the benefits of joining here? So, to answer questions like this, you can see it clearly here.

So, when the era we live in now moves towards an all-digital era, it cannot be denied that all business organizations will switch or transform towards digital as well, as well as cooperatives becoming digital cooperatives. However, it needs to be understood that digital cooperatives are also different from conventional cooperatives in general, which only operate in the economic sector.

For this reason, with the existence of digital cooperatives, millennials must know that this modern cooperative can not only operate in the economic sector, but also in the technological sector. For this reason, later the digital cooperative will also focus on several other activities, namely networks, applications and devices.

Source: https://invelli.com/media/koperasi- digital-today-for-millennials/

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