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3 Reasons Why Cyber Security is Important in Protecting the Future
By Matcha Latte
21 February 2023

3 Reasons Why Cyber Security is Important in Protecting the Future

It cannot be denied that our world is currently evolving towards an increasingly digital future. Without cyber security, cyber attacks will weaken governments, paralyze business sectors, destroy lifestyles, and even cause death.

The definition of cyber security is the practice of defending against malicious attacks on computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks and data. Cyber security is also known as information technology security and electronic information security. As digital users, we must consider the importance of cyber security to protect important data and information from digital crime attacks or cyber attack.

The following are reasons why cyber security is important in protecting your future.

Protecting Your Identity and Privacy

With the Covid-19 pandemic, the application of everything digital is growing faster. From e-commerce, digital payments and remote work are quickly becoming commonplace in everyday life.

To facilitate remote work by employees, businesses are rapidly adopting cloud technology. No matter your company adopts hybrid or cloud environment, but your personal data and information is now stored in the cloud.

A Singapore-based startup that provides hotel booking and management services for more than 1,000 properties in Southeast Asia admitted to experiencing a data breach in September 2020. In a press release, the company stated that, to its knowledge, neither passwords nor financial data had been leaked .

Also read: The problem of data leaks never heals in Indonesia, why?

Two months after the incident, the criminals sold the proceeds of the crime. Each record includes the member's email address, bcrypt-hash password, full name, profile photo link, gender, phone number, date of birth, and occupation.

The loss of sensitive data containing private and personal information cannot be underestimated. This is because criminals can use personal data to apply for unsecured loans and sign up for services. Additionally, this data breach could trigger more problems for you.

Protect the Company Where You Work and Do Business

When a company becomes a victim of a cyber attack, there is no doubt that it will experience financial loss, loss of trust, and reputational damage. Additionally, their operational effectiveness is often significantly reduced.

To offer new services in the cloud, businesses must continue to innovate, so the line between innovation and data security becomes increasingly thin. You should be aware that cloud resources are dynamic, as opposed to traditional setups where companies expand services by deploying new physical servers. Most businesses lack the workforce and expertise needed to keep up with the dynamic nature of the cloud.

Therefore, companies must be able to innovate without constantly worrying about the security of their cloud infrastructure. Due to fear of cyber attacks, these demands were made until the new service was not available

Protects from Ransomware Attacks That Can Destroy Lives

Ransomware attacks against critical service providers have become commonplace. If essential service providers are paralyzed, the world as we know it could stop turning. Therefore, cybercriminals are confident that the ransom will be paid by the victims, as they are well aware of this fact.

During a ransomware attack, threat actors will typically encrypt and lock critical company data, ending business operations. so that the company's operations came to a halt. The organization must also pay a “ransom” to cybercriminals to decrypt and unlock their data, allowing them to continue operating their companies.

Also read: 5 Types of Malware That Can Attack Your Data Security!

A ransomware attack on University Hospital Düsseldorf on September 10 2020 made it impossible for the hospital to accept new patients, so all patient cases had to be transferred to other hospitals. Therefore, a woman in very critical condition could not be treated and was transferred to a hospital about 30 kilometers away. In the end the woman's life was not saved.

Ransomware attacks don't happen overnight. Often, criminals have infiltrated your network long ago but are not yet active. Although hidden, they study your business operations and processes to determine which systems and data are important and where they are located.

That's why SecureTasks firmly believes that it's not enough to simply answer the question of whether your network can be hacked. We also need to be able to answer whether your network has been compromised. Exicitium offers zero-malware technology that seamlessly integrates with SecureTasks Indonesia's EDR and MDR products to provide breach-free virtualization of endpoints while providing real-time and proactive continuous threat monitoring.

Xcitium as a platform functions to perform enterprise-wide exploit prevention, advanced threat hunting incident response, and threat intel synchronization. Zero threat virtualization can destroy ransomware which can prevent attacks, avoid data loss and business damage and maintain system health.

Visit the website SecureTasks.co.id to get a free trial for 1 month, right now!< /p>


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